The future is regenerative

We are two sisters who imagine a world without waste. Since 2016, we've found new ways of making and using beautiful things that are closed loop by design. Globally, 87% of all disposed textiles are sent to landfill or incinerated, releasing harmful greenhouse gases. We work with mill partners in Australia and Europe to weave recycled wool blankets that are made from textiles waste, and can be recycled at the end of their life.

How recycled blankets are made

Closing the loop

Our award-winning blankets are made of factory floor offcuts, deadstock yarn, or post-consumer textiles waste like old woollen jumpers. After your blanket has enjoyed a long life we’ll recycle it for you.


Who's talking about us

  • "Seljak’s blankets are made from recycled wool in mottled colours and are a favourite of boutique hoteliers around the country. Best of all, for every 10 Seljak blankets sold, the company donates one to the ASRC. A boujie blanket with heart. We like that."

  • "The Seljak Brand blanket is designed to be sustainable, ethical and environmentally friendly; brought to life and kept within a closed loop system. It side-steps landfill, instead being remade into something of equal or higher value."

  • "It’s only been just over 12 months since we first officially featured Seljak Brand, and in that time the label has firmly established itself as a leader in the Australian sustainable design industry."

  • "Estimates of total global waste from offcuts range from 40 to 120 billion square meters of fabric. Seljak is one small example of a company actively thinking about how to unlock this potential value source."

  • "Imagine a blanket that never wears out – one that magical reweaves into a spiffy new affair each time it gets too old and raggedy. Sounds far-fetched right? Yet that's essentially what Brisbane-born sisters Karina and Sam Seljak have created."

  • "These beautiful blankets should not be unique, in the future all textiles will be remade. Love that you are using the blankets to talk to & teach circular economy." 

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  • Seljak Brand took out the Sustainable Design category at The Design Files' Design Awards in 2019 for our closed loop blankets.

  • The Banksia Awards are the longest running sustainability awards in the world and Seljak Brand was one of three finalists in 2022.

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